Contact Kristy Wolfe

Kristy Wolfe Stories - Digital Storytelling - Canmore, Alberta - Contact Kristy Wolfe

Ready to start? Click here for more information on ways to work with Kristy and pricing. 

What’s your story? Do you have a question? Connect with Kristy Wolfe to learn more about the power of Digital Storytelling. Discover what’s possible…



Canmore & Banff
Alberta, Canada

Let’s Connect

“Working on a digital story with Kristy was a truly enriching experience. Kristy has such a wonderful way of encouraging and supporting others to embark on a personal journey of creating a digital story. She is so passionate about storytelling and provides such a warm and caring space to emote and create collaboratively. If you are contemplating creating a digital story, Kristy is definitely the one you want to lead you on this journey of self-discovery.”

Tina - Co-creator of a personal digital story

Let’s Connect


Canmore, Alberta

Tell Your Story

Digital Storytelling Facilitation

Do you need help in raising awareness and finding a compelling way to reach your audience? Digital storytelling can do this. Kristy can help you create captivating digital stories that lead to unforgettable conversations with your community.